We begin this Spring •
8 modules of transformation •
We begin this Spring • 8 modules of transformation •
Thursdays | 6-7 30 PM PT
March 20 & 27 • April 3, 10, 17, 24 • May 1 & 8
Let’s create the reverent container for your ongoing transformation.
Transformational process is the natural way of the earth and its seasons, of our own growth and decay, of how our lives ebb and flow. Shifting from a productivity lens to a profundity one, we hold ourselves in a new and more loving perspective.
The 8 modules of transformation will invoke earth, water, fire, air and space and will invite you into direct contact with their wisdom properties— we are, after all, made up of these elements.
By learning the language of the elements intimately in our own skin and by attuning to the seasons of change that our wombs and our lives go through, we become more and more versed in deep nourishment, how to give it and how to receive it.
MAR 20. Week 1— Embody Your Roots
In our first week together you’ll get to know the core elements we’ll be tending to. This will create a potent space for heart healing and awakening to occur.
experiencing the body as landscape
waking up your root connection
how to respect & restore your feminine energy
how to grow self trust & deep intuition
The groundwork is being set for your trust to grow and deepen, for your awareness to expand and re-align your heart, body and mind.
MAR 27. Week 2— Feel Your Oceanic Heart
Our second week together welcomes in the vast waves you contain. We invite the depth of your heart to be known through developing courage to express yourself authentically & creatively.
opening up a devotional connection to yourself & to the moment at hand
relaxing shame & blame reactions to see what else emerges from deeper down
how to soften the shields around your heart
emotional maturity & taking responsibility
We’re moving from our inner soil to the roaring waters of our heart. Water teaches us of cleansing and restoring, reminding us of what’s true and most important to connect with.
APR 3. Week 3— Purify Your Mind
Our third week brings the heat. We’ll explore how to handle intensity, what wisdom it can birth & what skills we need to harness to stay with our growth edge without shutting down.
stabilizing & enriching your inner fire
growing your capacity to be with what’s uncomfortable so you can integrate a fuller version of yourself into how you meet life
to take accountability for your reactions & triggers & how to work with them wisely
to recognize what discomfort & projection do to how you perceive the moment
We’re initiating ourselves into the holy fires of alchemy and walking a path that blazes the blocks within constantly. Our ability to meet our pain with an open heart creates the possibility of ongoing transformation.
APR 10. Week 4— Remember Your Voice
In our fourth week together we move into higher skies & listen to what the infinite intelligence of the unseen is trying to tell us. We’re connecting to our original song & learning how to sing it.
engaging in speech intentionally as an avenue for reconnection & realignment
giving your vision a voice
how your pathways of sensation work & how they are always communicating to you
how to liberate sound to heal & ground
We’ve moved from root to sky, stretching our sense of self from deepest down to way up high. We’re weaving earth, water, fire and air together to create a powerful combination within you.
APR 17. Week 5— See Your Subtleties
Week five brings us into the most subtle spaces of ourselves, where the ability to discern & play with nuances is brought to life. Experiencing the subtle realm opens up a new way of how we see everything.
the chakra crawl: uniting your energy centers into one fluid, intelligent experience
dissolving into the depth of the moment
what your subtle body is & how to work with it
the language of energy
We are learning how to traverse the invisible and tune into our more delicate communications. This gives us an entirely new understanding of taking care of our well-being.
APR 24. Week 6— Know Your Benevolence
Week six takes us straight into our beingness & its profound brilliance. By piercing through the denser aspects of our body & mind, we touch our light.
complementary opposites in right relation
how to dance with the dynamic allness arising within & around you
how to alchemize darkness into light
how your use of something can either make it a poison or a medicine
To bring anything into the light asks tremendous courage. To meet all of what’s been deeply suppressed and distorted is a process that requires patience and perserverance to sustain. Here we are learning to be totally honest with ourselves.
MAY 1. Week 7— Integrate Your Wholeness
Week seven zooms us out so we can see the interconnection in everything. Here our vision is whole, not split—we’re mending our deep grooves of fear, distrust & separation.
presence without pressure
tuning into the web of interconnection
shifting perspectives from micro to macro
When our experience shifts from feeling deeply separate to feeling deeply interconnected, our sense of life begins anew. We shift out of everything feeling threatening. Integrating our shared wholeness can us completely.
MAY 8. Week 8— Celebrate Your Courage
Our final week together is like a lion’s roar—fierce yet relaxed in itself. We’ve become acquainted with our true power & how we can harness it to contribute meaningfully to life.
activating causeless joy & amplifying your energetic expression
walking your unique way in this life
how to weave purpose with play
how to open up to states of inner celebration
Our grand finale reminds us that once we know who we are, it is natural to want to extend out & share this transformation with others, setting off ripples of reverence. We feel compelled to reflect others for who they really are instead of who they’re not.
Each 90 minute module will weave together:
Meditation: set strong inner foundation
Movement: medicine for your body & felt senses
Art: open up your natural creativity
Sharing: amplify group feels & appreciation
Registration for the course: $250
Payment plans available if needed. Payments made through Venmo or Zelle.
Would love nothing more than to prioritize this Spring season with you—
as a homecoming, as a heart centering, as an unknown becoming.