WOMB WORK is a one-on-one support and guidance program to reconnect you with your life force and to ignite your deepest heart’s potential to awaken within you.

Together we will explore your inner space, looking for where emotional intensity is living and developing practices to grow your awareness more and more. We will take care of what’s most essential for your well being and establish stability and fluidity within.

Womb Work expands one’s capacity to experience self trust, loving openness and pure joy in the present moment so it can become your home base in day-to-day life.

WOMB WORK sessions include meditation, dialogue of the heart, making art, expressing what’s not been said aloud before, gaining understanding of your nervous system, working with your mental and emotional patterns and more.


Together we’ll open up into and explore the nature of intense feelings, how they show up and move through the body and what wisdom they can reveal.

How we relate to our emotions, big energy and naturally expressing ourselves takes practice. All that is requested is your willingness to participate and see what you find.

By developing awareness of your human mechanics (mental, emotional, physical and energetic realities) you will find refreshing ways to ground and enliven your body so you can live more fully each day.

Connection to oneself is the gateway to connecting to our life scape and to contributing to ourselves and to others, what we most care about. Through feeling into it, we contact what’s alive and true for us, practicing how to share from that place, to the world around us.


Together we’ll grow awareness into the home of the body and the wild variety of potent sensations that pulse through us. With yoga, qi gong, meditation and subtle energy practices, we will build a foundation of embodied, grounded presence to lean more and more into.

We will use breathing to meet uncomfortable sensations and beliefs, opening up into things that make us squirm without shutting down or running away.

Practice becomes simply bearing the truth. In the choice to let go of your known way of being, the whole world is revealed to your new eyes.
— Danna Faulds

We will look at old tension patterns running on overdrive. We will invite the ease and power of existence itself to flow within us, creating new pathways moving forward. It is an ongoing practice to learn how to open and relax into one’s experience. It takes skillfulness to cultivate deep rest as a state we can return to.


Together we’ll make art, exploring the relationship of moving freely without a goal in mind. Engagement and play are natural currents of energy meant to express fullness and expansion. Making art from the inside, out, draws us beyond logic and allows intuition to guide our ability to connect to what’s most honest in any given moment.

Using color, shapes and textures, we can experience our inner workings with new modes of awareness, noticing the vast array of what lives within to come out and play onto paper. Staying curious and allowing things to be messy is encouraged, inviting us to celebrate and enjoy the full range of living.


Together we’ll venture toward the root, contacting your life force directly, opening up your personal depth, looking at how you meet challenge and what the unknown brings up in you.

We all have an incredible storehouse potential within us, mostly left unexplored. When we begin to feel our feelings, get to know ourselves and go for what we truly want in life, that source surplus inside of us awakens and springs forth. Like a flowing waterfall, awakening is a process of seeing where we are blocked and stuck, so we can develop more trust and ease to allow life’s full flow to move freely through us.

We will train your awareness to be something you can ground into and return to again and again. By coming into close relationship with your true nature and developing practices to make this place your home base, you are paving the way for wonderful well being and ongoing transformation.


We have this womb, we have this heart, but do we know them? Do they know each other? What opportunities might reveal themselves if the womb and the heart developed a great relationship together, one of real appreciation and true support?

What would happen for you if they were on the same team?

Most of us experience various states of disconnection regularly. We have learned to hide away our heart from fear that we won’t be okay with what comes our way. We are afraid to open, to connect, to feel and lean into the moment, into what’s here, without trying to control the outcome.

Developing our ability to live with an open heart and to express a healthy flow of emotional awareness through our communication is a learned skill that takes practice.

We are learning to bring together the fragmented, split off parts of ourselves into one open and inclusive experience. In this unifying process, we start to see where we fight and move against life and instead, practice moving with life as a supportive whole.


Human beings are inherently intelligent and capable to live beyond survival instincts alone. By tending to the seeds of potential within us, we can awaken further into our lives, into our relationships, into our work and into our contribution to others.

Using meditation techniques and self exploratory practices, we get to know our true nature and how vast our expressions can be when allowed to emerge in full.

Practice is about transforming your body and mind from barriers into bridges for growth and well-being.
— Sadhguru

The Liberation Process is gradual and spontaneous. Skillful practices teach us how to clean up the confusion inside to become more open and clear with what really matters to us, so we can live cultivating in that direction.

Sessions are held virtually & in-person

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